All Gameplay Actions
This page describes all gameplay actions that a player can perform.
Most actions have a Cooldown to prevent abuse. This is the amount of time that must pass between successive invocations of the same action.
Some actions also have a Delay. This is the amount of time between when the action is initiated and when it is completed.
The game client should display a progress indicator to visualize Cooldowns and Delays. Cooldown indicators should be displayed within the game UI/HUD, where the action is triggered. Delay indicators should be displayed on the tile where the action is being performed.
Capture Land
Cooldown: 0.125 sec. Delay: 0.25 sec.
Attempt to capture a foreign land tile. Any items on the tile will be triggered and their effects applied to the player. If the tile has a digit value of zero, adjacent tiles will be automatically captured, recursively.
The player may place Flags, to mark locations they don't want to step on. Auto-expansion will account for the flags, expanding around them.
Cooldown: 1.0 sec. Delay: 1.0 sec.
Cause an Explosion on the given tiles. Destroys any Items on the marked tiles. Converts the tile kind to Destroyed Land.
Costs money.
Can be applied to any Visible tile.
The game client should allow the user to first "mark"/"flag" the tiles selected for a strike. This displays Marks on the map, on the marked tiles. This happens entirely client-side. Then, the user can confirm the selections, to launch the strike. The marks disappear and all the marked tiles are submitted as a single action to the server.
Cooldown: 1.0 sec. Delay: 0.25 sec.
If the tile contains a mine or decoy, it is displayed to the player. The revealed item is displayed until either of the following occurs:
- Explosion, destroying the item
- Tile is captured by the player
- Any of the digits on adjacent owned tiles changes
If the tile contains a trap, the trap is activated.
Can be applied to any Visible foreign tile.
Costs money.
Cooldown: 1.0 sec. Delay: 0.5 sec.
Places a Smoke on an enemy tile, concealing the digit on that tile. The other player cannot see any digit on that tile for the duration of the smoke.
This gives the player an opportunity deploy items on their territory, while limiting how much information is revealed to the opponent.
The smoke lasts 5.0 sec.
Costs money.
Can be applied to any tile that is owned by another player and is adjacent to a tile owned by the player.
If an explosion occurs on a smoked tile, the smoke is instantly cleared.
Deploy Item
Cooldown: 1.0 sec. Delay: 0.5 sec.
Place an Item on a tile that is owned by the player.
The item is purchased using money from the city's region (if owned), or the nearest city by distance (if unowned). The cost may be spread out between multiple cities, if there are active road connections.
Items can be deployed only to empty (not containing a structure or item) land tiles.
Additionally, decoys can be "upgraded" to mines.
Initiate Construction
Cooldown: 0.5 sec. Delay: 0.0 sec.
Place a Structure on a tile that is owned by the player.
The player must own the city of the region.
The Structure is not ready immediately. When placed, it is in "pending" mode, and the city is set to "construction" mode.
While a structure is "pending", it will not perform its intended effects. Instead, it will accumulate "construction points" based on the city's resources. The player should be able to see the progress.
While a city is in "construction" mode, part of its resources are directed towards construction progress, instead of generating income.
If there are multiple "pending" structures in a given region, they are processed one-by-one, in a queue, in the order they were submitted by the player.
When building roads, all selected tiles are submitted as a single action.
Bulldoze Structure
Cooldown: 2.0 sec. Delay: 5.0 sec.
Remove a Structure from a tile, recovering part of its value.
Harvest Tile
Cooldown: 1.0 sec. Delay: depends on tile kind.
Instatly claim a sum of resources (counted either towards income or construction, based on the current state of the region's city).
The player must own the region's city.
The amount gained depends on the tile kind.
The tile kind is changed to Foundation, meaning it will give no resources for the rest of the game.